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Impressum / disclaimer / contact
I was born in 1976 and got “infected” with the “Radio virus” in 1992.
In the first years I used a quite modest CB-Station (40 channels FM, 12 channels AM: 27 MHz). From the beginning, I always have been interested in the technology of the radios (function, modifications etc.), I wanted to learn more about the function of different antenna systems and I wanted to make QSOs of course…
Finally in 2003 (after a 4-year-long radio break) I decided to learn for the “small” ham radio licence (class 3) and got the callsign DO7ATL.
Now I was allowed to be active on 2m and 70 cm with 10 watts EIRP. In 2006 the german licence classes have changed and now I was allowed to be QRV also on shortwave (10m, 15m, 80m & 160 m) with the same callsign (but now class E).
But that was not enough for me…!
In 2008 I decided to learn for the “big” licence (class A). I took part in the online course of DJ4UF (mni tks agn dr OM Eckart!!!) and after 2 months preparation I passed the examination at the BNetzA in Cologne.
From this time I am active with the callsign DL3UX. When time allows I am active mostly on shortwave (10-40m, incl. WARC-bands) in CW, SSB and sometimes in digital modes, like PSK and RTTY.
Moreover I am member in the
O16 (OV Siegerland) of the DARC
(“Deutscher Amateur Radio Club”).